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Comprehensive Kidney Care

Comprehensive Kidney Care
River City Nephrology, PLLC is designed as a means to better recognize and care for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The clinic, focuses on early identification and risk stratification of patients and their associated illnesses (comorbidities), early intervention to treat these comorbidities, and if necessary, preparation for dialysis and/or renal transplantation in a timely fashion to prevent complications.
The use of advanced practice partners when needed enhances patient education, coordination of care with other specialists and the patient’s primary care physician, while developing care plans and follow-up. The practice also utilizes electronic medical records enabling us to provide timely communication to other providers.
The main focus of our clinic is to elevate the standard of care from what the patients and their referring physicians might simply accept as adequate and what they ideally would like to receive from their kidney specialists.